It is a distributed computing network where excess computing resources are connected peer-to-peer and used as if they were a single GPU machine.
The ecosystem is designed by managing computing resource providers and users are connected world wide.
By reviving and connecting your previously owned GPU machines that have not been operational until now, we can increase availability, and constantly secure versatile and customizable distributed computing resources, accelerating the use of AI around the world.
NODE SetUpParticipate in NODE and get EMETH tokens. Let's revive the non-operating GPU into the ecosystem with a fair distribution by PoW.
Emeth's vision is to improve the fluidity of computing resources and to create fair and transparent computing resources. This enables more people to utilize computational resources and generate new value. Emeth aims to enhance the information processing capacity of the entire society by realizing these visions.
"Solving Computational Resource Shortage": Emeth provides a large amount of computational resources required for big data analysis and artificial intelligence development. As a result, users can perform large-scale computational processing without running out of their own resources. In addition, Emeth's system enables efficient use of resources and significantly reduces the cost of computational processing.
Emeth is a distributed computing platform that has introduced an innovative system that awards digital tokens to users according to the value of the computational processing they provide.
This system fairly evaluates the actions of users and stimulates the provision of more computational processing by offering rewards.
As a result, the platform can achieve sustainable growth and activation, opening up new possibilities.
Windows Node
Ubuntu Node
Portable Node
Participate in NODE and acquire EMETH tokens.
Let's revive the non-operating GPU in the ecosystem with a fair distribution by PoW.